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Elizabeth Dole To Move Registration

(And in the ap's corner, thebug)
Associated Press Writer Thursday August 26 3:48 PM ET

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) - Elizabeth Dole courted as a potential successor to Sen. Jesse Helms, notified Kansas authorities on Thursday that she is terminating her voter registration there in order to register ``in another jurisdiction.'' 

(It looks like Elizabeth Dole has been reading the papers down in Florida. I'm sure after reading what the AP is doing to Katherine Harris, raising "questions" about being registered to vote in more than one county, even though she only voted in one. Ask your self a question, have you ever let your local "authorities" know that you were moving and would no longer be voting in that jurisdiction? Well, if you are a Republican, and want to run for office some day, you better let all of your former voting "authorities" know now. You wouldn't want to get into any trouble. - thebug)

The brief letter does not definitely mean that Dole, a Republican like Helms, is running for the seat Helms will vacate when his terms ends in 2003, said a close Dole associate, speaking on condition of anonymity. 

(Better back that letter up on your hard drive and a zip disk just in case a later "investigation" requires the AP to report what's being found on your computer. - thebug)

``This is the first step. She has to be prepared,'' the associate said in Washington. ``She's talking to folks around the state - friends and political folks.'' 

The note, sent by FedEx to Russell County, Kan., clerk Simone Ginther, was dated Aug. 22, the same day Helms said he would not seek a sixth term. 

(FedEx no less? She better save that receipt too. We know how thorough the AP can be when they are enforcing their agenda to get like-minded politicians elected and force their opponents out. - thebug)

``I am writing to inform your office that I am terminating my voter registration in Russell County effective immediately, as I am registering to vote in another jurisdiction. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter,'' the letter read. 

Dole, a native of Salisbury, N.C., has long been registered to vote in Kansas, the home state of her husband, former Republican Sen. Bob Dole. She was at her mother's home in Salisbury on Wednesday when Helms made his announcement.

Nancy Evans, director of the Rowan County Board of Elections in Salisbury, said Thursday that Dole had not registered to vote there. 

(And she better not be, until that paperwork passes through the proper channels, Elizabeth Dole, potential Republican Candidate for Senate, must wait. I'm sure the AP will be making sure that all the i's are dotted and t's crossed on this lawful act. I guess, Mrs. Dole better follow suit. - thebug)

Earlier this month, Dole acknowledged through a spokeswoman that she would give the race ``strong consideration'' if Helms bowed out. 

Party leaders in Washington have been quietly courting Dole for weeks, arguing that her name recognition, popularity and experience in the Cabinets of Ronald Reagan and George Bush would make her a strong candidate even though she has not lived in the state for decades. 

(Here's the other, rather back-handed slant on this. "even though she has not lived in the state for decades", straight out of the Dems new talking points for the pending race in North Carolina for Helms seat. Now it actually matters that Mrs. Dole has not lived in North Carolina for about 30 years. Let's forget the fact that she was born there. Let's forget the fact that she played in her yard, went to the county store, graduated high school and went to her senior prom all in North Carolina. You can bet she has spent more time in North Carolina in the past 3 decades than say, Hilary Clinton has spent in New York her entire life. Isn't it funny how quickly the left, when aided by the AP, can change gears on any given subject. Just last year, you couldn't find one democrat detractor, in the party or the press, against Mrs. Clinton running for Senate in a state she had never lived in. They even let her tell people, "I am a New Yorker". Now we have a woman who was born and raised in North Carolina and now may return to run for office in her home state and this time it's somehow different. It's somehow wrong. Pay close attention folks to how this plays out. The double-talk from the Dems and the AP on this will leave your head spinning. - thebug)

� Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and thebug and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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