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a malcontent rant 04.12.2005


AP's Top 10 Stories for 1996 & 2004

By tha malcontent (Direct Descendent of the Founding Fathers! - tha malcontent)
ap/afp Editor in Chief
April 12, 2:45 ET

(ap) - Some conclusions from these two lists... Arafat's Death was more important than Reagan's, and even though the AP can call some people Terrorists, they used the word "Hero" in the first reference to Arafat.  Clinton's win in 1996 with 49% of the Popular Vote was an example of Sailing into his second Term, while Bush (43)'s win with 51% and gains in both the House and the Senate were only worthy of Lamenting that Kerry did not "Vanquish" the President, apparently as the AP wished he had.  The Afghanistan Elections were not worthy of the 10 Ten in 2004, but 3 Negative stories about our War on Terror were.  There is nothing Positive happening in Iraq, period.  We are the biggest Human Right's Abuse Story in the World.  Virtually Identical Economies in 1996 and 2004 were painted vastly different. In 1996, it was worthy of the list as the "The Boom"... But in 2004, no mention, even though the Economy had actually overcome a Recession, an Attack and two Wars to get to being as good, and in ways better, than in 1996. While unemployment was virtually Identical in both years, Growth was better in 2004... But no mention by the AP.  Anyway, have read for yourself! - tha malcontent)

A comparison of the "Top 10 Stories" for the reelection years of Bill Clinton and George Bush (43)

AP's Top 10 stories of 1996
According to the annual Associated Press poll of newspaper editors and broadcast news directors.

1. TWA EXPLOSION: Flight 800 crashed into the ocean moments after taking off from John F. Kennedy Airport on July 17. All 230 people on board died. Possible causes range from a bomb, to a missile to static electricity that ignited a fuel tank.

(A scandal, had it happened under Bush (43)!  Clinton had 3 years to deal with airline Security after this Explosion, just assuming it could have been Terrorism, leading up to the Report he was given regarding bin Laden and his intentions to use hi-jacked planes Against targets such as the Pentagon, in 1999.  Even then, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was all but forgotten from his first World Trade Center Attack in 1993 with Iraqi Agent, Ramzi Yousef, just as Clinton started his first term.  Mohammed would later complete the job eight months after Clinton Left Office on September 11th, 2001, two years after Clinton received the Report warning Against such an Attack. - tha malcontent)

2. U.S. ELECTION: Bill Clinton sailed into a second term.

(Clinton received 49% of the Popular Vote in 1996, the same Popular Vote that seemed to be all the "Free Press" and their Party, the DemocRAT Party, cared about in 2000.  Bush (43) received 51% in 2004, and the last thing the AP would call 2% better on the part of Bush (43) over Clinton's 96 win would be "sailing into a second term", even considering the Fact that it was the first time a President received more than 50% in almost 20 years.  The AP could have done worse regarding Honesty and Elections... TIME Magazine called Clinton's 43% of the Popular Vote "win" in 1992 "A Mandate For Change"... 57% of Americans Voted Against Clinton, yet TIME saw that as a "Mandate"! - tha malcontent)

3. OLYMPIC BOMB: Security guard Richard Jewell was hounded as a suspect then cleared by the FBI after a July 27 blast left two dead. The bomber has yet to be found.

(Who did the hounding?... - tha malcontent)

4. UNABOMBER: Accused bomber Theodore Kaczynski was fingered by his brother, who saw similarities between the Montana hermit's writings and those of the technology-obsessed Unabomber. Kaczynski was arrested April 3. He has pleaded innocent.

(Lead with "Accused"...  Ken Lay on the other hand is Guilty as Sin!  Had Ted been targeting Abortion Mills, the media's tone would not be so Obviously Reserved! - tha malcontent)

5. EVERGLADES CRASH: A fire that caused ValuJet Flight 592 to crash into the Everglades May 11, killing all 110 people on board, was blamed on improperly boxed oxygen canisters. The airline was later grounded for 15 weeks.

(2 planes in one year, eh?... - tha malcontent)

6. WELFARE: Strict new federal rules for welfare recipients include a lifetime limit of five years, work requirements and cuts in food stamps.

("Strict" because the AP knew the damage it would cause when their Party's Constituency was weaned from the teat of the Beast for the first time in 3 Generations!  REPUBLICans haven't stopped winning, and Curiously, a job boom followed this Reform! - tha malcontent)

7. CENTENNIAL GAMES: The 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta will be remembered for the bombing, rampant commercialism, transportation problems and "warm and fuzzy'' TV images.

(Echo... Echo... - tha malcontent)

8. GOVERNMENT SHUTS DOWN: Thousands of federal workers began the year with partial pay, or no pay, thanks to spending battle between the president and Republicans.

(Clinton refused to accept the levels of cuts in the Increases in Spending that Congress proposed, a Congress Overwhelming put in Power in the 1994 Rout.  His Veto shut down Government. - tha malcontent)

9. BOOM CONTINUES: The stock market soared, the deficit was down and unemployment neared a seven-year low.

(Unemployment was virtually Identical in 2004, but the "Free Press" never called it a "Boom"!  Factually, Economic Growth was stronger in 2004 than in 1996, and again, the "Free Press" could only Parrot their Party's comparisons to Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression.  The Dishonesty and Bias is Self-evident. - tha malcontent)

10. BIG BLIZZARD: A monster storm Jan. 8 paralyzed the Northeast and Midwest. It was blamed for at least 50 deaths.

(I wonder where the Blizzard of 1982 in the Rockies ranked?... Oh yeah, that's Flyover Country.  It's only a top story of the year in Flyover Country when some Crackers shoot up a school in a State with a REPUBLICan Governor and Legislature, and less gun restrictions than those really smart people have on the East Coast.  Well, the 1996 list was fun, let's try the 2004 list now and see if you agree with the AP's take, or tha malcontent's! - tha malcontent)

AP's Top 10 stories of 2004
According to the annual Associated Press poll of newspaper editors and broadcast news directors.

1. U.S. ELECTION: After vanquishing Howard Dean, John Edwards and other Democratic rivals, Kerry seemed to have a strong chance of ousting Bush. But the Massachusetts senator struggled to explain his stance on Iraq, underestimated the sting of negative ads and � in the end � narrowly lost the pivotal swing state of Ohio after a campaign in which Bush, over and over, insisted he was best qualified to be commander in chief at a time of complex challenges to national security.

("Bill Clinton sailed into a second term" with 49% of the Popular Vote, but Bush (43), with 51%, well, he's not even the story...  John Kerry (D), the LOSER is.  The AP started the Election story out by lamenting the Fact that no matter how hard the AP and it's children in the "Free Press" tried, they could not "vanquish" that Idiot from Texas!  He "seemed to have a strong chance", the AP continues about their boy Kerry (D)!... Pathetic as the day is long!  As for the big, BIG Lie of the narrow contest in Ohio,  Bush (43) beat Kerry by nearly 2%, (51-49%) and by almost 120,000 Votes cast.  To hear the AP tell it, this was yet another Florida!  Care to tell us a little more about how Disappointed in the 2004 Election results you are, AP? - tha malcontent)

2. IRAQ: Throughout 2004, Iraq was a striking mix of bloody turmoil and tantalizing promise. Anti-American insurgents wreaked havoc with car bombings and videotaped beheadings of hostages; the death toll for U.S. military forces passed 1,300, and the toll of Iraqi civilians was many times higher. Yet Iraq�s interim leaders doggedly proceeded with plans for national elections early in the new year.

(Absolutely no good news in all of 2004 in Iraq, eh AP?... I bet our 130,000 to 150,000 troops over there who are not, for the most part, doing much more than rebuilding and helping a Thankful Majority in Iraq, appreciate your Politically Driven  Negative focus.  With this kind of "(j)ournalism", we would have lost World War II.  By the way, the 1,300 number they reference, includes car accidents in traffic, off duty... Or, to put it another way, it includes accidents, as in non-combat... The picture they painted before that number was of utter Combat Chaos in Iraq, leaving the impression that those deaths were all Combat.  Currently, about 400 out of the 1,500 who have died in "Operation Iraq Freedom", have been "non-Combat", but would the AP ever want to point that Fact out? - tha malcontent) 

3. FLORIDA HURRICANES: Four major hurricanes � Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne � devastated Florida and other southern states in August and September, killing 117 people in Florida, destroying 2,500 homes and causing more than $22 billion in insured losses. Not since 1886 had one state been hit by four hurricanes in one season.

(...Sparking a Debate about the lack of "Black names" for Hurricanes. - tha malcontent)

4. ABU GHRAIB SCANDAL: Photographs came to light showing U.S. military guards at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad forcing naked Iraqi detainees to pose in humiliating positions. Prosecutions ensued, and the scandal fueled anti-American sentiment in the Muslim world.

(Correction, the Media-inflated scandal fueled anti-America sentiment.  Had the focus been on the Fact that we Prosecuted our Individuals who did wrong, maybe the Muslim world could have seen what the right thing is to do when faced with Abuse.  For example, stringing 4 people up after mutilating the dead bodies they created, was never something put generally on Arabs, even though they did it.  No, those broad generalizations are saved for the American Military, especially when under the Command of a REPUBLICan Administration. - tha malcontent)

5. SEPT. 11 REPORT: After painstaking research and dramatic public hearings, the commission formed to investigate the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, issued its report. It concluded that America�s leaders failed to grasp the gravity of terrorist threats before Sept. 11 and recommended creation of a national intelligence director to oversee civilian and military intelligence agencies.

(We have arrived at story #5 of 2004, and so far, 3 out of 5 are negative stories regarding our War on Terror.  It's funny, the focus on 1 out 364 potential PDB's in one year, that vaguely referred to the Obvious, that bin Laden wanted to strike us, was in stark contrast to the Specific Threat outlined in a thorough Report given to Clinton 2 years before the 11th where he was warned of plans to use hi-jacked planes Against targets such as the Pentagon.  No such Specifics were in the PDB the "Free Press" and their Party focused on for clearly Political reasons during the Commission's Investigation and Conclusion.  By the way, that Vague PDB came out one month before the 11th.  The first Attack on the Trade Center that took American Lives, happened in February of 1993.  Clinton had his entire Presidency to deal with the Threat that surfaced on his Watch, and more than a year to deal with the Specifics in the 1999 Report given to him.  Instead of dealing with that, he Commuted the Sentence of his Child Molesting Golf-buddy, Mel Reynolds (D), former DemocRAT Congressman from Illinois... Classic!  One more Child Molester on the streets thanks to a DemocRAT! - tha malcontent)

6. GAY MARRIAGE: From coast to coast, gay marriage was a volatile topic throughout the year. Massachusetts became the first state to have legal, same-sex weddings, and local officials in several places � including San Francisco and Portland, Ore. � also wed gay and lesbian couples before courts intervened. However, each time the issue reached the ballot � in 13 states in all � voters decisively approved constitutional amendments banning gay marriage.

(It's funny, the AP and the rest of the DemocRATS "Free Press" used this as an Excuse for Kerry's Loss in November.  They claimed that the GOP orchestrated the issue to assist Bush (43).  The Fact is, Liberals in Massachusetts who decided to lean on the Courts instead of the Legislature, made this an issue, not the GOP.  Stop subverting the Representative System with the Courts, and we will stop putting you in check with it! - tha malcontent)

7. ARAFAT DIES: For three decades, Yasser Arafat was a hero to most of his fellow Palestinians but considered unreliable � or worse � by leaders in the West and Israel. His death in November, at age 75, triggered emotional mourning among Palestinians but also sparked hopes of a breakthrough in efforts to end their long, bloody conflict with Israel.

(Not only is Arafat ahead of an American President on the list, the first sentence regarding him has the word "Hero" in it... Where do the AP's Sympathies lie!  Well, the Fact that he's the Godfather of Modern Terrorism, the lack of ANY reference to his Terrorism is quite telling! - tha malcontent)

8. REAGAN DIES: Alzheimer�s disease had kept Ronald Reagan out of the public eye for a decade. But when the nation�s 40th president died in June, at 93, Americans responded with an outpouring of affection and respect. His stately funeral in Washington brought the country together at least briefly in a year otherwise marked by bitter partisan divisions.

(Again, Reagan is AFTER Arafat... Shameful, AP... Shameful. - tha malcontent)

9. RUSSIAN SCHOOL SEIZURE: Even in a world grown all too accustomed to terrorism, the drama in the Russian town of Belsan was shocking because children were so clearly prime targets. A band of terrorists, believed led by a Chechen warlord, took more than 1,000 people hostage at a school in September. When the seizure ended, amid explosions and gunfire, more than 330 hostages had been killed � most of them children.

(That's funny, the AP can call some people "Terrorists"... I wonder why the al Qaeda members from other Nations that we have found battling us in Iraq are referred to as "Insurgents" by the AP then?  Maybe it's because the AP has chose sides in that battle also, but are not Intellectually Honest enough to admit it! - tha malcontent)

10. MADRID BOMBINGS: Another stunning terrorist strike occurred in March, when 190 people were killed after bombs hidden in backpacks exploded on four commuter trains during Madrid�s morning rush hour. Soon after the attack, which was blamed on Islamic militants, angry voters unseated Spain�s pro-American conservative government in favor of the Socialist Party, which promptly withdrew Spanish troops from Iraq.

(Spain pulled out of Iraq, so Spain is good in the eyes of the AP... This must be why those who Attacked in Madrid were called "Terrorists" by the AP, in contrast to those who Attack Israel or our Troops or Allies in Iraq.  I wonder if the Romantic memories of the former Soviet play a role in their calling those Attackers at the school Terrorists?... They hit Mother Russia, those damned Terrorists!  Well, that was an interesting look into the Worldview of the AP and the "Free Press" across two Reelection years.  I can't wait for the 2005 Top 10.  I wonder if the Iraqi Elections will make the list?... Wait a minute, the Afghanistan Elections did not make this list!... Curious.  I wonder if it's because it might possibly make Bush (43) look good, that it was Left out in favor of 3 Negative "War on Terror" stories?  Nah, I'm probably just reading into it! - tha malcontent)

� Copyright 1996/2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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