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GOP Gains Two Governorships in South

(Direct descendent of Karl Marx! - tha malcontent)
AP National Writer Nov 5, 10:55 AM EST

(AP) � With a presidential campaign only months away, Republicans picked up two governorships in the South, ousting Mississippi's Democratic incumbent and seizing Kentucky's top job for the first time in 32 years.  


(ap) - I am sure that the Electorate is just "throwing a collective tantrum" again, as they did back in 94, right, Mr. Jennings?  Or could it just be a "Racist Southerner" thing?  As for the DemocRAT Party, "the little one's are confused... They do not understand".  I can see why, with the media predicting a DemocRAT take back of the House, and gains in the Senate, last November, and instead, Bush (43)'s Party takes back the Senate and gains in the House, exactly the opposite of what happened to the President's Party in 1994.  The media then spends the following year doing everything they can to harm the President politically, and the very next election, the GOP gains at least 2 Governorships, based on anti-Bush (43) rhetoric in those races... That the voters rejected.  One of those States has not seen an (R) as Governor in my Lifetime.  That's 29 Governor's, maybe even 30, and of course, one Senate DemocRAT, Zell Miller, who will be campaigning for Bush (43) next November.  That includes Ah-nuld in Cali... 52 Electoral Votes, that if the DemocRATS do not get, then they do not win the White House, end of list.  Oh yeah, that darned, pesky economy keeps improving too!  "I love it when a plan comes together!"  But hey, a couple of hundred deaths in a very successful War over a 7 month period in Iraq, can be spun into Viet Nam II, if the Lie is repeated long enough, and loud enough... Some Dishonest people hope!  That's all that the DemocRATS have Left... Because the issues are not going to win for them, that you can count on. - tha malcontent)

GOP Washington lobbyist Haley Barbour unseated one-term Democratic Gov. Ronnie Musgrove, while in Kentucky, three-term Republican Rep. Ernie Fletcher defeated Democratic Attorney General Ben Chandler.


(Haley's Governorship is an "up yours" to the Clinton's sending one of theirs down to New Mexico.  Guess which state has more "Electoral Votes"... Yep! - tha malcontent)

President Bush loomed large in both campaigns, and he's sure to claim a boost from the victories. He stumped for both GOP candidates, while Democrats in Kentucky tied their opponent to Bush's economic policies and Musgrove dismissed his challenger as a "Washington insider."


(What it means is, that the DemocRATS need to find a new song, the annoying skipping record they have been insisting we Americans buy for the last 3 or 4 years is NOT going to sell any longer! - tha malcontent)

Barbour, a former head of the Republican National Committee who said his connections would help Mississippi, told a crowd of supporters: "Get ready to accentuate the positive."

With 95 percent of precincts reporting, Barbour got 53 percent, or 449,041 votes, to Musgrove's 45 percent, or 384,693 votes. With 100 percent of precincts reporting in Kentucky, Fletcher, a three-term congressman, defeated Chandler, polling 55 percent, or 593,489 votes, to the Democrat's 45 percent, or 484,931 votes.


(A 55 to 45 percent Landslide... And I bet the "Free Press" was calling it a "toss-up", all of the way into the noon hour yesterday... Classic! - tha malcontent)

Democrats saw a few bright spots. Philadelphia's Democratic Mayor John Street handily defeated Republican businessman Sam Katz, 59 percent to 41 percent. And Democrats took control of the New Jersey Legislature, breaking a 20-20 tie in the state Senate and defeating the GOP's top Senate leader.


(Memo to the DemocRATS and their "Free Press": YOU ARE LOSING EVERYWHERE, AND LOSING BIG!  The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can change your ways and start winning again.  If you insist on focusing on meaningless wins in the Mayoral Race in a largely Black city that is FAR LEFT, and try to call that a "bright spot", then you are doomed to further Failure! - tha malcontent)

But in the Kentucky and Mississippi races, campaigns tried out strategies that could play out in next year's presidential race. And Republicans were already crowing.


("Crowing"?... The side that the AP is on in American politics, is abundantly clear! - tha malcontent)

"The Democrat strategy was negative attacks and tying Ernie Fletcher to President Bush and making this race a referendum on the president's economic policies," Republican National Chairman Ed Gillespie said. "The Democrats had their referendum and got their answer."


(I can only hope that the DemocRATS will be this naive nationally next November! - tha malcontent)

Mississippi Democrats criticized Barbour for his connections and years spent in Washington as Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and other top GOP officials came to campaign for him - and as Musgrove distanced himself from national Democrats.


(Musgrove (D) must know how the Heartland feels about the "national DemocRATS"! - tha malcontent)

In Kentucky, party activists argued that a vote for Chandler would tell the White House its economic policy is a failure.


(With a 20 year record high, 7.2% growth last quarter nationally, this, "the economy is a failure" TRIPE is not going to wash any longer, DemocRATS!... Wake up to reality, soon! - tha malcontent)

Bush called Fletcher and Barbour to offer congratulations, White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Wednesday.

"I think both ran campaigns on a positive agenda," McClellan said. "They both ran strong campaigns with a strong message."

Republicans went into the election holding seven of 11 governorships in the South, having turned out Democratic chief executives in Alabama, South Carolina and Georgia last year. With Arnold Schwarzenegger's victory in California last month and victories for Fletcher and Barbour, Republicans will hold 29 governorships nationwide.


(29, maybe 30 Governor's Mansions, the House, the Senate and 1600... The DemocRATS are about to become a Historical footnote at their current pace! - tha malcontent)

One more governor will be elected this year, also in the South. The race to replace term-limited GOP Gov. Mike Foster goes before Louisiana voters Nov. 15. Democratic Lt. Gov. Kathleen Blanco will face Republican Bobby Jindal, a former health policy adviser in the Bush administration.


(And don't think that Bush (43) will not be down in the swamp fighting for the (R) he sent down there to make it 30 out 50! - tha malcontent)

Racial issues flared in both states - Musgrove ran ads reminding voters of a divisive and unsuccessful 2001 referendum to change the state flag to remove a Confederate emblem, and Election Day brought claims of intimidation at largely black precincts. Kentucky Democrats complained about a GOP plan to put observers at black precincts, but no problems materialized.


(Is the DemocRAT Party going to figure out that the majority of Blacks and Whites no longer buy this Race Card they continue to trot out every other year? - tha malcontent)

Musgrove won his seat four years ago in Mississippi's closest governor's race ever. This year's contest broke state records; Barbour raised at least $10.6 million and Musgrove at least $8.5 million, with heavy support from national parties.

In mayors' races:

- Philadelphia's Street defeated Katz in a rematch of their 1999 battle. Street got a bounce in the polls after it was learned that the FBI bugged his City Hall office; Street and his supporters have portrayed the investigation as an attempt by the Bush administration to bring down a black politician. Federal prosecutors have denied that.


(Translation from Newspeak: "Bush (43) is a Racist Tyrant". - tha malcontent)

- Houston businessman Bill White, a Democrat, will face a December runoff against former city councilman Orlando Sanchez, a Republican. Mayor Lee Brown, the city's first black mayor, cannot seek a fourth term.


(Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn! - tha malcontent)

- San Francisco was picking a new mayor; Willie Brown is barred from seeking a third term. Wealthy entrepreneur Gavin Newsom, who sought to get panhandlers off city streets, will face a runoff against a Green Party candidate, Board of Supervisors President Matt Gonzalez.


(Getting panhandlers off of the city streets, is not only Racist, but Evil too!  The last 3 paragraphs from some cherry-picked elections going on around the nation yesterday, are yet another example of where the AP's heart is, in this political game!  If you don't understand what I am saying, then you probably never will!  Keep voting for Dependence and Failure! - tha malcontent)

� Copyright 2003 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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