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Davis Says GOP Trying to 'Steal' Election 

By ERICA WERNER (Direct descendent of
Karl Marx! - tha malcontent)
Associated Press Writer August 20, 11:00 AM EDT 

AP) � Gov. Gray Davis called the recall effort part of a wider effort to "steal elections Republicans cannot win," evoking the impeachment of former President Clinton and Florida's 2000 presidential election fiasco.


(ap) - Yet another shinning example of the Left's Arrogance dribbling from one of the most Arrogant of all of the Leftists... Soon-to-be FORMER, Gub'ner Gray-out Davis!  If the DemocRATS had any Shame, along with their lap-dog, the "Free Press", they would be Honest about who it is that is calling for the Recall of Davis... It is over a million Californians, you Lying Bastards!  Attempting to find cover in the "vast Right-wing Conspiracy" TRIPE that HILLARY! failed to find cover in during the Impeachment of her Business Partner/(h)usband, is more than a little entertaining!  And as for the Left's inability to from the the 2000 Electoral loss by their boy Algore Junior, well, that is even more entertaining.  I have seen some self-destructive actions in my day, but the collective implosion of the American DemocRAT is something to behold!  I can't wait to read the rest of this stenographed whining on the part of yet another (D) while he falls to his own actions and words and the demands of "the people"! - tha malcontent)

In a speech televised statewide Tuesday, the first major address of his political fight for survival, Davis defiantly told Californians that he makes no apologies for his actions as governor. He said he inherited the state's energy crisis and that its budget woes were part of an American economy that has "tanked."


(Nice job taking Responsibility for your first term as Gub'ner... While this Liar, Gray Davis, has claimed that the national economy is failing because of Bush (43) who has only been in office for 2 1/2 years, and came into office with an economy that had declined to 0% by election 2000, and was officially in Recession 40 days after Clinton/Algore Left!... Classic Dishonesty illustrated by a Liar during a public address! - tha malcontent)

"For the next seven weeks, my highest priority is to do the job you elected me to do, but make no mistake ... I will fight this recall and the right-wing forces behind it," Davis said.


(A great example of someone who curses the court as he is sentenced for his crimes by a jury of his peers!  And a great example of how convinced the Left has itself that it is right, while the majority of the information age public are the one's who don't get it! - tha malcontent)

Touting his record on education, health care, privacy protection, the environment and reproductive rights, Davis characterized the Oct. 7 recall vote as a Republican power grab.


(Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus!, did someone from Gray's office write this?  My commentary any further will only be needless redundancy as the TRIPE contained in this DNC Talking Point, masquerading as a news story, is sure to continue to be as it drones on and on... - tha malcontent)

"The Republicans behind this recall say they want you to oust me for past mistakes," Davis said. "My friends, they don't give a rip about past mistakes. This is all about control in the future, seizing back the governor's chair and believing with so many candidates running they can do it with just a handful of California voters." 

Davis also planned a series of "town hall" meetings around the state, beginning Wednesday in Hollywood. 

Meanwhile, actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Davis' top GOP rival, planned to announce his ideas Wednesday for reviving California's economy. The "Terminator" star was to make his announcement at an economic summit attended by high-profile advisers, including billionaire investor Warren Buffett. He also planned to begin airing television ads that day promoting his candidacy. 

Davis' 15-minute speech put the focus back on the governor, at least temporarily, in a campaign that so far has been dominated by news coverage of Schwarzenegger and the 134 other candidates who want to replace Davis if Californians vote to recall him. 

He acknowledged being widely criticized for not acting quickly enough during California's energy shortage of two years ago but added, "I played the hand I was dealt as best I could." 

He said he inherited an "energy deregulation scheme" that made the state vulnerable to price-manipulating energy suppliers who, Davis said, were meeting with Republican Vice President Dick Cheney while he was trying to fight them.


(I have to add something to this pro-Davis TRIPE... The Brits cough up potentially bad intel on Uranium, Africa and Saddam, which amounted to 16 words of a SOTU by Bush (43), and the Left insisted Bush (43) admit he new it was bad, and take personal responsibility for it, or he was a Liar and the entire Iraq War II was not justified.  Then we have Gray Davis, 2-time Gub'ner of California, pointing the finger at everyone on the Right for everything wrong in his DemocRAT state, while claiming he has done a good job... The Left has never claimed to be Honest, or do as they expect others to do, so Gray's inability to take responsibility for his piss-poor performance as Gub'ner in over 2 terms, is no big surprise to Honest, thinking people!  Actually, it's as predictable as a Liberal crying about being called a Liberal in the 21st Century! - tha malcontent)

"This recall is bigger than California. What's happening here is part of an ongoing national effort to steal elections Republicans cannot win," Davis said.


(This should be some classic, expanded upon, redundancy on the part of the AP! - tha malcontent)

"It started with the impeachment of President Clinton, when the Republicans could not beat him in 1996," he continued. "It continued in Florida, where they stopped the vote count, depriving thousands of Americans of the right to vote."


(FACT: Bush (43) won every LEGAL recount in 2000, and the Supreme Court put an end to the illegal, 4 Liberal Counties out of 67 county, hand recount, that swarms of Lawyers that Algore sent hither into Florida within 24 hours of the final casting of a vote in that state to sue his way into the White House, and spit on the Constitutional Electoral system that elects our Presidents!  Sorry for the rantage... But I am getting real tired of that Lie vomiting out of the mouth of the Left! - tha malcontent)

Hours before Davis spoke, Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante, who has billed himself as the safety vote to keep a Democrat in office should Davis be ousted, offered a one-page "tough love" budget blueprint. The plan borrows many of the embattled governor's rejected budget schemes, calling for raising taxes on cigarettes and higher taxes on high-income residents.


(Tax the Rich....Some more!  Classic Liberalism with a dash of good old Karl Marx! - tha malcontent)

Californians could also get a better idea Wednesday whether the recall will really take place Oct. 7. U.S. District Judge Stephen Wilson of Los Angeles has said he hopes to rule then on a request by the American Civil Liberties Union to delay the election to avoid possible ballot-counting problems.


(Why does the AP refer to the current day as if it is not today, but some other Wednesday?  Why do they not say today?  By the way, Gray-out lost, and will of course, appeal! - tha malcontent)

The ACLU lawsuit seeks to postpone the recall to March, by which time the counties of Los Angeles, Mendocino, Santa Clara, San Diego, Sacramento and Solano plan to have scrapped punch-card voting machines like the ones that caused the hanging-chad controversy during the disputed 2000 Florida presidential vote.


(These would be the same machines used in last November's election win for Gray-out, and I do not remember any lawsuits then?... Hmmm.... I wonder if there is any Race cards being played to the lowest moral denominator? - tha malcontent)

Another of Davis' Republican rivals, former baseball commissioner Peter Ueberroth, also planned to kick off his campaign Wednesday with a press conference in Los Angeles to detail parts of his own version of an economic recovery plan.


(No mention of Gary Coleman?... That's Racist AP!  Thank God this one's over, I was getting physically ill watching the AP bastardize their own mission statement for the personal political gain of their own Party (D)!  Madison is rolling in his Grave! - tha malcontent)

� Copyright 2003 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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